
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our Practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong, resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would like the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To have your complaint investigated, you need to complain within 12 months of the event happening, or as soon as you first become aware of the issue you want to complain about. The time limit can be extended in special circumstances.

How to make a compliment or complaint

Whether you are happy or unhappy with the care and treatment that you have received, please get in touch and let us know your views.

Receiving compliments and complaints is important to ensuring good quality local healthcare in our Practice – helping us to find out more about what we’re getting right and what we can improve. We hope this will help you to make your feelings and experiences known to the appropriate people. 

How do I raise a concern / informal complaint?

Most complaints are best resolved within the practice, you can speak to any member of staff initially with your complaint.  This gives you the opportunity to resolve any concern you may have without it going through a formal process. Alternatively you can email: or write to us:

Complaints Manager

Kingswood Medical Centre, Clay Hill Road, Basildon, Essex, SS16 5AD and someone will get in touch. 

Formal Complaint

If you have a complaint to make please do so in writing to the Practice Manager by email: or ask the Receptionist for a copy of our Complaints Procedure. We will endeavour to:

  1. acknowledge any letter of complaint within 3 working days of receiving it,
  2. deal with the matter as promptly as possible – usually within 28 working days – dependent on the nature of the complaint.

We will always try to deal with your complaint quickly however, if it is clear that the matter will need a detailed investigation, we will notify you and then keep you updated on our progress. 

You can also complain directly to the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (MSE ICB) who commission our services. You can contact MSE ICB: 

by post to: Mid and South Essex ICB, Phoenix House, Christopher Martin Road, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3HG
by email to:
by telephone: 01268 594 444 (Monday to Friday 8am -5pm, excluding Bank Holidays)

The practice complaints leaflet (below) gives further information about the complaints procedure.

Who can complain

  • Complainants may be current or former patients, or their nominated or elected representatives (who have been given consent to act on the patients behalf).
  • Patients over the age of 16 whose mental capacity is unimpaired should normally complain themselves or authorise someone to bring a complaint on their behalf.
  • Children under the age of 16 can also make their own complaint, if they’re able to do so.

If a patient lacks capacity to make decisions, their representative must be able to demonstrate sufficient interest in the patient’s welfare and be an appropriate person to act on their behalf. This could be a partner, relative or someone appointed under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 with lasting power of attorney.

Appropriate person

In certain circumstances, we need to check that a representative is the appropriate person to make a complaint.

  • For example, if the complaint involves a child, we must satisfy ourselves that there are reasonable grounds for the representative to complain, rather than the child concerned.
  • If the patient is a child or a patient who lacks capacity, we must also be satisfied that the representative is acting in the patient’s best interests.

If we are not satisfied that the representative is an appropriate person we will not consider the complaint, and will give the representative the reasons for our decision in writing.

Time limits

A complaint must be made within 12 months, either from the date of the incident or from when the complainant first knew about it.

The regulations state that a responsible body should only consider a complaint after this time limit if:

  • the complainant has good reason for doing so, and
  • it’s still possible to investigate the complaint fairly and effectively, despite the delay.


All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Where the investigation of the complaint requires consideration of the patient’s medical records, we will inform the patient or person acting on his/her behalf if the investigation will involve disclosure of information contained in those records to a person other than the Practice or an employee of the Practice.

We keep a record of all complaints and copies of all correspondence relating to complaints, but such records will be kept separate from patients’ medical records.

Complaint Leaflet

Find out more about how to feedback or make a complaint about a NHS service

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